The cut is the way a stone was faceted, for instance a cabochon is a stone that has no facets, it is dome shapes with a smooth polish. These are less expensive except when found in antique jewelry when they can be prices higher than usual. There are many different styles of cutting but the quality of the cut is important as well. When a color stone displays even colors all through out, this is a good cut. You can easily determine the quality of the cut of your gemstone by observing it face up. A washed out surface that is flat and looks like a window is not a good cut. Nor is it good if there are too many black areas.
Let's put two stones that are the same size when you look at them from the top, one may be priced higher due to its weight, the deeper cut give a stone a fat and heavy bottom but it is also recommended in color stones for shallow cuts will create that flat window surface reducing its value.
• Carat weight
• Treatment (is it treated or untreated)