First I'd like to say WOW! What an emotional few days it has been! The innauguration of President Barak Hussein Obama. I watched it, felt it, vibrated to it and now I'm still pinching myself. We're part of a big historic moment, congratulations all!

So the economy has been the second hot topic - for a while, are you worried? Many of our piers are. In fact they are very concerned about their businesses. Here at Jewels Quest, we have felt it too, it was an expected Holiday Season, but we count our blessings, as we received many special orders on which we worked very hard. Keeping an upbeat attitude, smiling and focusing on growth rather than tilting our heads down in despair, is the reason our business is still thriving. On a slower pace but moving forward just the same. Let's look at the glass half full shall we?

From custom engagement diamond rings, to unique settings for color gemstones. Working with our Matrix technology, we're able to deliver detailed pieces and our customers keep refering us. We are always grateful and we reward our customers for their referals with great deals on future purchases and special gift cards.

Christmas sales were high as usual, however small ticket items were the more popular choice this year. Now Valentine's day is coming up and we're polishing our heart jewelry. Diamond pendants, journey diamond jewelry and light whimsical gold earrings are getting ready to be owned by lucky ladies this Valentine!

We're counting on the men - or the women that often do the hinting. This is the way it goes, from one major Holiday to the next and everything in between. Jewels Quest is here to stay.