Monthly Blog - July

Lucky are the ladies (and men) born in the month of July! You have as birthstone one of the most highly prized gemstones. The eternal flame of the beautiful blood red Ruby will always be a symbol of everlasting love, sensual love as well as spiritual love.

Ruby comes from the variety of the mineral corundum. It is also known by ancient Hindus as the "Lord of Gems", the Greeks called it the mother of all gems, and the Romans "a flower among stones" The name Ruby comes from Latin rubeus which simply means "red". Found in Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, Australia, Brazil; after the diamond, ruby along with sapphire are the hardest gemstones.

As with any gemstone, Ruby has healing properties. It promotes a stronger immune system, it is said to help people with low blood pressure, increase sexual energy and cure eye infections.
Ruby is a good luck stone for those seeking love. Symbolizing love and passion and promoting strong emotions and vitality.
Not bad having it as your birthstone is it?