These are hard times with the economic situation, the fear and the bigotry that is on the rise, yes the news is bombarded by such unfortunate occurrences that threaten peace in our country, and all around the world. But Peace will always prevail as long as good people stand up for it. Small gestures of goodwill or a helping hand can ignite people's heart and every kind smile we give can be contagious. If each of us does a little act of kindness each day, we perpetuate love and peace.

We can also promote peace through the jewelry we wear and display. I recently ran into a customer who was wearing a peace pendant we had specially made for her; and even though that day I was feeling unsettled having just heard the shooting at the Holocaust Museum, the symbol of peace around her neck reminded me that for every bad seed in the world there are 100 great souls. 

As for a cleaner earth, you can also do your part where jewelry is concerned by wearing pieces that are custom made by old jewelry you bring in and recycle. 

So when it comes to jewelry, we can use it to be promoters of peace and of a cleaner earth. At Jewels Quest, we specialize in custom design of any kind. We can help you express yourself with the beautiful yet meaningful jewelry you wear and display.

Let your jewelry sparkle hope in others.