Here's some history about January's birthstone, the garnet. In antiquity it was famous for its inner sparkle, and the most famous garnet of all was called "wise one" decorating the crown of German emperor in 912-973. Also it was often found decorating the weapons of nights and warriors.
In Indian mythology garnet is known as "Kundalini fire" which is that sensation beginning at the base of your spine and rising rapidly upwards, with a sudden surge of energy. The rise of kundalini energy is also called "the Serpentine Fire". (more about Kundalini Fire).
Legend says that garnet gives wisdom to the wearer but when it comes to its healing properties, garnet is said to strengthen blood circulation and the heart, and if that doesn't help energize your sex life, well... There's always magic, mystics believed garnet had magical powers and could brighten dark souls and bring hope.
This gemstone is found in India, Africa, Australia, Mohemia, Canada and is best known in the color red, but it also comes in dark red, rust red, yellow, green and black. It isn't a very hard stone, ranging 7 to 7.5 on the mohs scale.
Although garnet is January's official birthstone, it is particularly good for those born under the astrological sign of Aries and Scorpio.
If you own a garnet, don't forget to recharge it by placing it in the sun!