Color and gemstone have different symbolism depending on one main factor: who is wearing them, man or woman. While strong associations of different gemstones evolved so did the association of color. People should ultimately wear what they are attracted to wear, so to ask what color gemstone is the most valuable is often answered by which ever is the individuals preference.
However, when it comes to pricing, the value will depend in large part on whether a gem is less brown or grey, dull or saturated. Each gemstone has a range of hues and those closer to a pure red, green or blue will be far more valuable. Though not the only determining factor, color will play a major role and very important to evaluate a gemstone.
Today gems are worn for their beauty and aesthetic reasons. But let's, for a moment, turn our attention to color and their personal attributes:
Blue: (Sapphire, aquamarine, lapiz)
When the color blue is worn by men, it symbolizes great thought and wisdom. On women, it represents vigilance and politeness.
Red: (Ruby, garnet)
Men: nobility and high command.
Women: Pride, sexiness, attraction.
Green: (Emerald, tourmaline, peridot)
Men: Transitory hope.
Women: change.
In a way these two meet.
White: (Zircon, diamond, white sapphire)
Men: commitment, friendship, integrity.
Women: Purity and contemplation.
Black: (Onyx, opal, pearl)
Men: strength.
Women: consistency in love, perseverance.
And the list goes on. The above are the most common colors sought after in gemstones, and worn in clothing. In the end, your own fashion statement will come from different factors, the color of the season, which color suits your skin tone and ultimately which color makes you feel good! And the same goes for gemstones.